Shean.T(이서현) [253967] · MS 2008 · 쪽지

2018-10-11 07:38:10
조회수 3,398

Keep It Motivated 90(수능 D-35)

게시글 주소:

You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.(American author) -
직접 해석해보세요.
여러분은 지금 행동을 취해야 합니다 목표를 향해 더 가까이 가게 해줄. / 인생에 있어 절박감을 기르세요.  
- take action: 조치를 취하다(take measures)
- a sense of urgency: 긴박함절박함
* a sense of 하면 ~느낌(). A sense of direction: 방향감각. A sense of humor: 유머감각
Instagram: keep_it_motivated

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